Daily DebriefingThe title of today’s story; Keeping It Clean. 3578 words, nine pages. Happy with progress. In the hands of the ed. in chief now and awaiting the thumbs up or the thumbs down. If there is one word of advice I can give to any writer – it is hard copy, hard copy, hard copy – FIRST before all else. Save as you go, save in at least three different places (usb + disc + other) and always, absolutely always print a hard copy and file it separately to your digital media devices.

It is impossible to edit properly on a screen. The eye adjusts to all of your little on-screen typo’s and indiscretions. One needs hard copy to edit properly.

I never write without music. I love my music and thank the Gods that some intelligent fellow invented such a thing as headphones. A good set of headphones are a must because one cannot write effectively while the world impinges on one’s thoughts. Random selection today, shuffle and repeat.

Thanks to my muses, three cups of tea, one coffee, two cossack cookies, two pieces of hot buttered toast & Promite, a story was born… ‘Keeping It Clean’. Four hours in the making and you can’t read it until it is printed! Sorry folks! 😉

Time for an Oettinger Pils… or two… while I walk the cat.

Leftovers for dinner, I think. I’m buggered!

NB: Additional note added 17/7/2013. Feedback from my editor in chief says this one is “Scary and disgusting!” Haha!

Good. That was the idea.

It has the thumbs up. Keeping It Clean appears in Telling Tales Volume 5!


Article Shortlink:  http://wp.me/p3g5fP-q

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  1. Telling Tales! Book 5! | Anika King

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